Thursday, April 24, 2008


I have to post this morning because today is busy busy!!

As I sit here it is 8:00 am..

I went to the gym this morning at 5:30. I ran 2 miles without stopping but in 21 minutes.. what the crap! I need to workout a couple times a day to reach my goal of 2 miles in 18 minutes by the 30th. I will do it, I will, I will!

I got home and Cy and Court were up and ready for school. We pulled out the scriptures and read a couple chapter. Then we had some extra time so we read a section in Preach My Gospel. The Tennyson family is committed to sharing the gospel this year and preparing some families to meet the missionaries.

I played soccer with the kids while we waited for the bus and cleaned out my car. I still have to vacuum it out, but the trash can no longer fall out when I open the doors (seriously I said no more food in the car)

I am headed to the shower and will be ready and have the house picked up by 9. I still have some personal scripture study to do so that will be until 9:30. I have a couple kids coming to "daycare" at 9:30 and then off to playgroup and run errands.

Plan to be back by 12 to have lunch and take laying out in 80 degree weather while the kids sleep..can it get any better than this?

At 2 I will try to do some homework and play with the kids. I also need to clean the backyard, but will wait for the kids to help (since they did make the mess)

At 4 I am meeting a friend at the gym for a spinning class to burn some extra calories. I have hit a plateau and so I am kicking it up a notch.

I will run home to get showered and ready and have dinner as a family..Pasta of some sort I am sure. Then I am headed to my Mary Kay meeting to get some inspiration and training. I have decided not to go to the church training and hope that I am making a good decision.

After my meeting I have to finish a paper and finish pricing everything for the yard sale on saturday. I will not have time to post pictures today but tomorrow I have a bunch that will be up.

Have I mentioned how much easier it is to have kids when they are all walking with no bottles or formula. My life has changed in little over 2 weeks but is awesome non the less. I am having a blast with these kids and hope to blog about that soon..when I get time.

Have an awesome day everybody and know that God loves you and wants you to be happy and successful in everything you do!


Emily said...

I know I may want to come back to the corporate life one day (so some working women say) but I look forward to staying at home and playing with the kids. I'm sure I will get sick of cooking and laundry but quite enjoy it right now. Good luck with everything, YOU ROCK!!!

ferntyler said...

sounds like a fun, busy day! my favorite part is the laying out in the back yard :) it is so nice to just relax for a few minutes! running 2 miles in 18 minutes is a great goal - I think I did that once :) - give yourself a realistic timeframe to build up to it, though :) It is amazing how different 21 is from 18 - painful! I am thinking of starting back with my 2 times at the gym thing but I can't go in the early morning so then I have to go twice in the day, which since I have to drive 10 min to get there is kind of a pain in the rear!