Sunday, August 24, 2008

Pity Party-OVER

Ok, No toby is not here nor has he called to say he was even leaving from across the world to head our way.. I have however gotten some projects done that I have been putting off until after R&R and some much needed homework for next week is also complete. My pity party lasted about a day and I am over it.

I did what I tell other women to do and pulled out my goal sheet. This deployment is not over. We are not even half way quite yet, and although he is coming home to visit we still have a ways to go..SO SUCK IT UP! I told myself and that is what I did.

How am I going to write a book about deployment without going through the crap and then overcoming it and doing it quickly? How are we to be the poster family for the Army if I get mad when it concerns nothing I have a say in?

Anyway..I really am grateful for the Army and the change it has made in my relationship with my husband. I am very thankful for the benefits we receive (this flight is not costing me anything but time). I am very thankful for the strength that it gives me and molds me to be a better person. I hope to someday show all the women with me that go through this experience that we can have crappy times, but we bounce back and the quicker the better.

I have a couple more projects I put on my to do list for tonight so better get crackin'. I decided to put together a dvd for toby to take back with him of pictures of leave and am going to get that all set up so I just have to add as we make memories.

I really do love my life and love the decision my husband made 18 months ago.

Summer fun with Grandma

The kids and I have been blessed to be able to spend some quality time in Utah with Grandma Neilson this summer. They love going places with her and let me tag along sometimes.

We rode the new Frontrunner train to Salt Lake. That is the day we went to the church museum and the gateway to play in the fountains. We went to the Discovery museum also that day.. It was so fun. Everything went well, but we did hit the frontrunner coming home in rush hour so a little squishy on the ride back..but the kids had so much fun. Mom held Carmen as she slept and I had Cera as she pooped her pants and totally embarrassed me.
Grandma sitting in the museum with Cera watching a video of the Prophet. So cute!
We also have been to the zoo and Grandma took the older 3 to the Davis County Fair. We are so thankful for her and for Grandpa working so hard to pay for us to have fun.. Thanks for making this transition bearable for us. We really did have a great time and are so excited to be here with you for the time being.

Not too creative

I went to a baby shower on saturday and was pretty proud of my Diaper cake. They were a big hit at showers in El Paso, but they had one as a center peice that was 100 times more cute. Oh well..although usually I am not too creative in the craft arena of life..I thought it was cute!

Just stay busy

Avice that I have given countless number or women in the last 7 1/2 months is stay busy and you will make it just fine. It really is the key to surviving and thriving a deployment. I would take my own advice and am trying but this is different. He is not going to be gone 10 more months (right now). He is supposed to be home and I don't really want to start on a project and have to stop it for 2 weeks plus.

I can't help but feel cheated. I know we will get our 18 days but we wanted to get a couple before the kids started school tomorrow. He wanted to play pretend that we were a normal family and he could take them to their first day. (He always was awesome about that kind of stuff. Taking time off or going in late for big days like this.)

So you know what it was like today I will tell you the story. This morning I got up at 7 am planning on hitting at least a little of church before Tobys arrival. I of course wanted everyone to look cute so got breakfast going and then everyone started to shower and get ready. Around 8:30 we started getting everything ready to go to church. The girls all looked so cute and cyrus was so handsome. My hair and makeup was phenomenal ( which made me start to think everything was going too good). I knew toby was going to try to call if he could before he got on the plane to head to us. Like clockwork I got a text from him. Mind you we didn't think his phone would work out of Qatar. It read "Stuck in Germany.." Did your heart just skip a beat because mine did.

I couldn't believe it. Outside was our sign and balloons and everything was ready to go. I know with the Army everything is changeable and I am fine with that. What I am not fine with is the excuse they have is that they are getting 500 guys out everyday. That is fine except they have been getting 500 guys home everyday for some time now so there really shouldn't be a week delay to get my husband home.

I was exhausted emotionally so I didn't go to church. I waited out for Cera to get tired and took a nap. While I was sleeping I had a dream the he instant messaged me and told me to hurry and get on so he could give me some important instructions. I got up and hopped online to find out it was just a nightmare. While online I searched flights and the possibility of him even getting here tomorrow is very slim. I took down the wilted balloons and will go to bed asleep for night number 222.
(this is my sad picture after the balloons bailed on me and he was not coming anytime soon.)

I don't mean to be such a downer but one day was OK, two was getting annoying, three was offensive and now I need a thesaurus to have words to describe my emptiness.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


I am just soo sad right now. I saw the number of Toby calling and wanted it so bad to be him telling me he made it to the states early. I can't give specifics because of his safety but I am devastated that he is not close to being home.

I just feel like I got punched in the stomach! The kids are asleep and we ran around all day getting stuff ready for Dad to be here. I guess I will break the news to them when they wake up. Thinking of little Carmens face is breaking my heart. We have been doing her hair special for 2 days now, and nothing!

You know..I have only cried 3 times during this deployment and thought I was doing well, but then hearing my husband say it has been the worst day in his Army career is really heartbreaking. One day in 18 months isn't bad I guess.

I know this feeling will go away if there is ever a plane that can safely bring him home, but come on? How did I know that this would happen to the Tennyson family? I just knew that even though nobody else has had anything go wrong with r&r it would be us. We are strong and are used to this kind of crap, but I thought this time would be different.

Oh well..can't change anything with it myself. I guess I will not hesitate to go do some fun stuff tomorrow without him and just be excited someday when he shows up at the


In the event that everyone is sharing their back to school stories this time of year, I thought I would pipe in.

Everyone knows I am 30 right? Not really that young anymore, but young at heart. My husband has gone back to school (thank you Army for paying for it) and he inspired me to do the same. I found out I could get some credits for some work I have done in the past and have taken advantage of it.

So I started school on Thursday of this week. I should have taken my picture in my cute new outfit and looking really cute. LOL

Truth is I thought my first class was on Wednesday so I went at 6:30 in the morning and no one was in class. I was so mad and thought they had cancelled it. was on Thursday. Is anyone surprised?

Now that I have my schedule in front of me and all written out I think I am good, but it is a little scary to be going back at such and age, but now is better than never. The kids are at a good age and I have it so early that they probably won't even know I am gone. I am excited and only took classes that I was excited about this semester.

Public Speaking- help me prepare for some of my speaking arrangements
Writing-help me in writing my book
Running/Jogging-get to train for a half marathon
Weight Training
Effects of Drugs in Society-

All of these classes excite me and have something concurrantly going on that will help me in my own YAY for me. I plan to finish in the fall of 2010. Wish me luck!

Sick to my stomach-my view on the race

My stomach is sick tonight after reading that Obama has picked Biden as his running mate. Not that I thought there was a better choice, but that I am just sick about the whole thing. This is my view on the Presidential race. I know there is some sort of delay on telling people who your running mate is but it just seemed that Obama is playing the media and the American people to see where he stands.
To me he is someone that is just seeing how much power he can get and not really wanting a "CHANGE" in anything.

These times are going to get kind of dark and dreary. I am an optimist but not stupid to think that if I just keep thinking positive the world will do the same. I am in wonder at what my part in all this is. I wonder if McCain is that much better. I wonder if one person really can make a difference. If I go out and am a big supporter of one person will it really matter.

These next couple of months will not really change anything in the present but they are keeping the ball rolling and I hope we can change it to a new direction. I hope all of us will get involved and do our part. I pray that we will all be looking at ourselves and in our homes and making sure we are giving our all to our families and our country.

I am just sick about it, but can't let the fear stop me. Toby and I have some deep conversations coming up, I know it. When he goes back I am going to find my niche and run with it. Ok, so I have about 20 niches, but hey..all I need is the energy and I will succeed at every one of them.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I Cried at the gym today

Tonight while I was running at the gym. I was listening to my music trying to get into the groove. I was just finishing my first mile and the womens 100 hurdles comes on. I was so excited because sometimes I sprint with them and get an extra good workout.

I am sprinting and then I see it.. I can't believe my eyes. Lolo Jones has her misstep. I was so compelled that I turned off my music and plug in to listen to the announcer on the television. I was so overwhelmed with emotion I started to cry. I love seeing people succeed in the face of doubt and fear, but HATE to see people experience disappointment.

I was really trying to pull myself together to keep running but had to stop and go the the restroom to get a grip. How sad for me that my emotions are that close to my heart now a days. I just could feel maybe a 1/1000 of what she felt and I was struck with feelings of failure.

I did not go back to run, but went and rode the bike instead and listened to my upbeat music to get back into the groove. I still am in disbelief but am reminded that things like this happen daily. People have medical setbacks, emotional missteps and we make the simplest mistakes sometimes that magnified might make the most impact on our futures.

Make my peace

Coming home from the gym tonight I started warming myself up to the idea of making my peace with Utah. I love it here in so many ways. It is so beautiful and green. I love how clean it is. The one thing however that I do not like is the cold. Cold for me has changed with moving to El Paso.

Tonight it was 72 degrees. I was shivering leaving the gym. When I went to the gas station afterwards, I saw a newspaper with the front page stating we are going to be welcoming fall and winter very soon this year. WHAT? Are you kidding me?

I worry that my husband might get sick considering he is cutting his temperatures in almost half. It was 130 a week ago and 100% humidity. He is going to have to wear a coat while he is here I just know it.

In the wake of understanding I might as well get used to it because it is not going to stay hot for little old me..I changed one of my daily affirmations to say "I welcome the cold.. I look excellent in my winter clothes this year"

Bring it on Utah..I can keep buying layers to give me some comfort right?

I am crazy and thats why he loves me

Toby actually had an opportunity to read some of the blog the other day and mentioned in fun that I don't write about my husband enough! Oh, I love him.

Today we were talking on the phone and yet again came to the realization of how crazy I am. He in turn feels very lucky to have me, but I am a little high strung these last couple days.

I know the location that Toby is flying in to and to us from. My husband is too lazy :) to look and see how long the flights are to us. He would rather just ask me a million times and fester over it. Ok, so when I was up yesterday at 3:00 am and trying to think of something to do that was not productive..I started looking up flights. Toby said I was probably the only wife crazy enough to be doing that. I may be, but find that hard to believe.

I am crazy because I will try really hard to have everything perfect for him to come home when I already know I am going to blow up at everyone because something gets out of place at the wrong time. I am known for my scheduling and have it down to a T except for one small thing...
We don't really know when he will be here!! Yikes
I have a list of things to do in the final days and hours but don't have anything to gage it against.
Example: I want to get my nails done..has to be the day before so they are fresh. Laundry..I want it all done so he comes home to a clean house, but is laundry ever done? Cleaning, do I big clean now and just pick up later or pick up now and super clean right before he comes? Do I run my butt off to lose those extra pounds and risk injury or just sit around waiting for us to go running together?

All these things really have no merit and are not important at all, except in my crazy mind of counting down paychecks and then Sundays and now hours until I see him..I have to have something to pawn my craziness onto.

Toby is indeed coming home to a crazy person. Crazy for him that is :)

Olympics 2008

Ok, so in my previous life..or in years past. I have not really been a huge fan of the Olympics. I don't know why either. When they came to Utah for the Winter I was working at Wells Fargo and I remember we got these charms and some other goody bag crap that I am pretty sure I just threw away. I know bad attitude. We even went to some venues and hung out downtown a couple times in the mix..but I didn't get what all the hype was about. I did understand huge advertising opportunity it was for some companies, but had not shown any appreciation for it.

This year different. I am not obsessed by any means and don't sit and watch it all day, but when I am watching TV I have been chosing the Olympics as my choice. I have been thinking of why this year it is different for me. My positive attitude has a big thing to do with it. Cheering on the underdog. Seeing people ACHIEVE what they have worked so hard for. Watching the smallest failure to the biggest success is amazing.

I was running at the gym the other night and gymnastics was on. As I watched her do her thing, I was really into it. Huge emotions for the experience. She stuck the landing and I almost yelled "YES" right there. Watching as belief barriers get broken!

I guess I have this great pride for our country also that I had not had in previous years. I do want us to kick major butt and show other countries how awesome we are. I love hearing the national anthem being played over and over and watching that flag get raised.

I won't complain to much about how dumb I think some of the sports are like: trampoline? but appreciate all the hard work they must have put into the sport? to go and compete.


Friday, August 15, 2008

I really miss it

It is funny how much I really started to like El Paso. It is pretty bare and not much to look at and sometimes smells like its neighboring country, but I really felt like it was a place I fit in. Ok, rethinking that? what does that mean of me?

I just have been struggling here in Utah to find my nitch. I think because it is so hard for me to accept help and I am so used to filling my time with doing stuff for others that I don't know what is needed of me here. I struggle to not feel guilty (as I think we are all guilty of) of doing something for myself. I still try to go to the gym only at times the kids are asleep and find myself pulling all nighters to blog and follow my favorite Brett Favre story online.

I guess I am just used to being so busy (and the kids too) that I am so done with summer. I am so done with no scheduling to the very minute/second. I just want my old life back. It is not that I am unhappy, it is just different. I find myself happiest when I am scheduled to the max and then doing nothing really blows me away. Why is that? Why can't I just be happy to sit on the floor and do nothing with my kids all day....BORING!

Today I got alot done and with the time Toby coming nearer I have a list of stuff to do. I am going to finish my list and then some to get myself back in the groove.

All in all I really do miss my El Paso life. I miss my fellow army wives and driving on post and hiding my cell phone pretending I am not talking on it, and going 10 stupid miles and hour. I miss getting mad because nobody speaks my language in my country.

Believe it or not.. the armpit of Texas is a place that isn't so bad!

No, he is not here yet!!!

I know I posted awhile ago that when I stopped blogging it was because Toby was here. NOPE! I just have not honestly been in the mood. I have had lots of funny stuff happen and lots of activities to write about and sooo much inspirtation is racking my brain, but sitting and writing it was not flowing for me so I took a break.

Cera, that sweet little girl, has turned to her new phase of speaking. She has learned the work NO and is using it all the time. Can't blame her, that is about all I say to her for most the day. She is however loving shoes now (thanks mom for the new purchase) and will even wear socks longer than 3 seconds. She is soo cute

Carmen is going to kill me with her OCD. People I am not kidding. She is so bad it makes my head hurt sometimes. Example: last night we went on a walk (they rode their new scooters) ok the one MOM purchased to keep at the house. Anyway, we were out and Carmen wants to stop because her feet hurt. Looks as if she has her new church shoes on to ride scooters. Ok, so luckily because I know her I had a pair of tennis shoes with me to change. Fast 3 miles, she stopped 5 times to switch back and forth.

Her fingernails always have to be painted perfect, if not you will be stuck there taking it all off and doing it over, or the reason she will only drink out of a pink straw? I swear it is not my fault that she is such a monster. She is soo cute too however and I can't get enough of her.

Courtney and Cyrus are getting ready for school to start and trying to figure out if they are going to ride wave boards or bikes on the first day.. life is full of those hard decisions you know.

As for me, I am dying in anticipation for toby to come home. The kids are too but it is constant with me. Today we mark month 7 down and I am soo proud of myseld, ok and everyone else. I also, in trying not to complain (because my husband is in horrible heat and humidity) think that it is already to cold for me here. How am I going to stand it? I definetly am for the warmer climate. Although..Utah is so beautiful. I am almost overwhelmed with the green and mountains and trees oh my!

On to doing some activities to pass the time until my sweet hubby comes home.

Brett Favre

I only post this because 1. I want some comments on the matter and 2. My husband was baffled that I was following something that has anything to do with sports. ( He hasn't seen my post on watching the ESPYS apparently)

I have been following this stuff going on with Brett Favre and just wonder what is going on in his head. I wonder if he really did want to retire and then got so bored he wanted to come back? Is he hurting that much from not having his fans screaming at him that he needs to come back to fulfill some kind of ego offset?

What about that he wasn't even thinking of coming back until someone yells out at a press conference and the media makes a huge deal out of nothing and then what do you know? he is being offered millions to NOT PLAY? How does that work? I guess once you have built yourself up high enough you have that pull but come on!

Ok, couple of last things..I hope and pray he did not just go from being at the top of his game to leaving when he is down and out. I hope he has a good season this year and maybe gets humbled if he is a backup. I just hope the best for the guy and think that maybe the media just frazzled everything up for him...

Am I wrong? Is he a smart guy and knows what he is doing? I hope so..

On that note..Yes, for those of you that are wondering. I have a lot of time on my hands to think of nothingness to take away from thinking of stuff sometimes. I actually am finding out that maybe I like sport. My husband is coming back to a changed women, and isn't he so lucky it is changed for his betterment.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Memory Tag!

Come on all you blog stalkers who never leave comments, but check my blog (do I have to name names?????)!!! THIS ONE IS FOR YOU!! I want you to participate!!! :)

Memory Tag
Here are the rules :1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.Pleeeeeeeeeease!!!! Pretty please???!!!! This will be a good time!!!!

11 years

I have been waiting days to post this and give it the credit it deserves!!

On August 2nd 1997, 11 years ago..I was married for time and ALL ETERNITY to my sweet hubby Toby. At that time when I was a young 19 year old brat, I could not have known what was in store for me. All I knew is that I was "in love" with him and wanted to live happily ever after.

The years have come and gone..but these are some things I have learned along the way:

1. Be honest no matter what
2. Be funny and be willing to laugh at yourself when you say something stupid
3. Roll with the punches
4. No matter how bad it is, it would suck worse if you were divorced
5. Work hard
6. Support each other in whatever path you want to take
7. Don't freak out when he wants a nap(guys need naps, what the heck?)
8. Let him have some friends
9. Tell him everyday how much you appreciate him
10. Love your life, whatever your situation

We have been blessed with 4 kids and not necessarily at optimal times, but my husband has always worked really hard to try to take care of us. He has shown me how much he loves us by simple things like..being a garbage man for a short time (this is something I will never forget). He has been able to support me with some crazy ideas I have had and had some ideas of his own that I am so glad we have tried.

Something most people don't know..a couple years ago i was going through a hard time and Toby had to call my mom to drive up and talk some sense into me. (Thanks mom for coming to our rescue). It was really hard for him to do that and I appreciate the fact that he did. I know how hard it was for him to watch the mother of his kids and his precious wife be so sad all the time, but he sucked it up and stuck it out.

The way he makes fun of me for a one liner like "Entrapment is my favorite movie" for years and years. The way he loves me when I am fat or skinny. The way he still came home every night when I was a real *&*&& on birth control. The way he won't let me fight with him and makes me laugh when I am livid. Although he doesn't like change that much, he allows me to change everything all the time. The freedoms he has given (fighting overseas for me, or letting me work nights even though he was scared for my safety).
I believe I could have not picked a better match for me than Toby. Although we are so opposite in soooo many ways, we are sooo alike. If it were not for his humor we would never have lasted 11 years, and laughed the whole time.

Today is day number 221 since I last kissed him or held his hand. The love is even stronger for him today than it was 221 days ago. Although I miss him, it really makes this time apart ok because I know I have someone who loves me very much.

I have some work to do...11 years is not very long in eternity. I love my husband very much.. I sit and wait until he returns to me safely,and then I will do it again. God has blessed us and we won't forget.

To all of you who doubted: IN YOUR all of you who supported: thank you so much. We love you!