Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My parents came to visit- part 1

We went to get Ice Cream and show my parents JUSCO- When we got there though.. I realized, it was cooler when I was just getting here and wanted to see different places to shop, not necessarily where you go on vacation. We tried to make up for it though on other days..

This post is going to be split because we had such a blast when my parents came to visit.
This last summer because of the fact we don't live in America, we were unable to make it to the annual family vacation. My heart ached that week. I missed my family like crazy. It had been a year since we had seen anyone at that time, so when my Mom told me they were going to come visit us.. we have been soooo excited.

The week before they came I rushed to finish all my orders for vinyl so I could not work while they were here. We had to do some cleaning, and plan for some things to do on this island. We have been here a year and have not been to the big hot spots. So here are some pictures, and I will try to explain as best as possible.

1 comment:

ferntyler said...

I'm really loving your blog posts tonight! I saw the pictures from your trip at mom and dad's but I like seeing your version of it :) also loving the new couch and table, nice!