Friday, April 11, 2008

I got carried away

So I missed the Miss USA pageant. It is one of my all time favorite things to watch and I was so mad at myself for not recording it either.

I went to the website to see the results and look at the contestants. I spent about an hour too long on there and of course made more fitness goals for myself in the meantime.

I remembered while on that site about the MRS USA pageant and wondered when the next one of those was going to be on. I started wasting my time on that site also.

Well, long story short..I got carried away and put in a request to compete!!!

I know I have a long ways to go and I would never really do it, but it did get my blood pumping and made me do some extra situps..

I never cease to suprise myself!

Hope you all will come out and support


ferntyler said...

DUDE _ I am laughing so hard right now! You could totally do it, and I am actually watching the Miss USA pageant right now, I am just laughing because you have never said anything about this before! If you do end up competing you should buy yourself one of those spray on tan machines (one of the girls on the Bachelor had one) and then could I borrow it when we are together?).. I have some new fitness goals after watching, but also I think I should call and make an appt with a plastic surgeon.. haa haa.. lol

Liz said...

Ok, because I have never really wanted to compete..just love the pageants themselves.
No worries, the rules state you have to be currently living with your husband so i am pretty sure I am out.