Saturday, November 29, 2008

Just Venting

I have about 20 posts waiting to be finished, but need to vent really fast to get on with my day. I realize many people may judge me for moving home from Fort Bliss and staying with my parents yet again. I realize some may look at it as me mooching on them. I do realize that my mom goes over the top with helping us out and I am more than grateful for that.

I am posting this to get it out of my system to move on. I received an email recently from someone that told me I was a loser for how I have lived my life. I will admit to the world that I have not made the best choices at times, but at 21 and a couple kids I was learning. I feel like the struggles I have gone through not only helped me but helped a ton of people around me that I could help see the light. Many times have I strayed from Gods teachings and tried my own way and learned that He does want the best for me.

I am grateful for the family and friends that build me up and see me for what I am. They see me as a supportive friend (who like I have mentioned before may not be there on time but am there when needed.) I am a great motivator and supporter of many people and their goals and want the best for people. Even though I am not the best and yell at my kids, they are pretty amazing and I am doing my best to be a good mom.

I am an awesome wife. I have not always been but through this deployment I have worked hard and making sure my husband knows he is cared about when all other family forgets about him. I am not going to say specific names, but if you read this and wonder, is she talking about me..YES I AM!!

You can think of me how you want but I know how I am and I am pretty amazing. For all the tasks on my plate I eat it one bit at a time and feel like I am doing a pretty darn good job.

Lastly, i mentioned before that I have some pretty awesome friends and family that do support me. Thank you. Your support has helped me in all my achievements throughout this last year and helping me end this deployment with success. I am grateful for positive people and for my Heavenly Father that will help me forget the hurtful things said to me.

I love you all!! Stay tuned for some major exciting news!!


ferntyler said...

that sucks that someone seriously sent you an email just to try to make you feel like crap - You do an amazing job at everything you do (even when you do 20 more things than I can even think about)... for the record, I think the move back from fort bliss was a great decision - it seems like you and the kids are a lot happier and able to enjoy life a little more! If anything I"m just jealous because your kids get so much quality time with grandma :) Keep on thinking your positive thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Oh Liz! How terrible! ((HUG)) You know, we all make mistakes in life, but what is important is that we learn from them and do the best we can with what life (and the Lord) gives us.
I think that you are doing a phenomenal job and whomever sent you such a judgemental and cruel email is just wrong. The Lord says (and I'm paraphrasing here) that we must first remove the log from our own eye before we go about point out the twig in someone else's.
Do not take it to heart, dear friend! You are wonderful!!

Tenae said...

My dearest friend!
I have learned that when someone sends you a mean message it is usually motivated by jealousy or dislike for their own situation. I love the saying (you were with me when I first heard it from Tammy Crayk) "People who are hurting, hurt other people."
I think you are amazing. I love you and I am proud of the life you have created for you and your family. I have missed reading about your life and am very curious about your big news!