Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Redeployment is what they call it

So when the soldiers come home they call it redeployment. Who knows why, but who cares. So after Toby got home they got a day or so off and started back to work, working half days. It was nice, but we were just getting used to each other again and for my schedule it was definitley different. I added one extra person to the mix to give my time too, and I love him so much I just want to spend all my time with him. After a couple weeks of that Toby got the month of May off. We decided to just stay in El Paso and hang out becuase the kids were still in school and he was having a hard time adjusting back to the "real world" again.

We went on some dates together which were a blast and tried to spend some of the time to exercise, but mostly just hanging out together. When Toby got home they told him he was going to the testing board to be promoted to SGT so we spent a good amount of leave studying for that stressful test. We got some of our paperwork and things in order to be able to move to Japan. The kids finished school and the summer began.

Redeployment was pretty easy for me in some ways for him to be back home but it was a struggle for him.. He lived without kids around for almost 2 years, but did amazingly well for the circumstances. He is an awesome Dad and loves to be with the kids so that helped. The noises I could tell bothered him and actually still do, but we are working on it. Now that he has almost been home 6 months we are looking forward to making a normal life and really loving to be together as a family. How the time flies.

1 comment:

ferntyler said...

2 years without kids - i can't imagine trying to get back into it, all while moving and getting back to know your wife - so hard!