Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Black Friday Deal

I am sooo excited! I have been neeing a new drawing program for my computer. I havce been wanting adobe illustrator or corel draw and photoshop for months now. For my business it is a good investment, but I hate just forking out hundreds of dollars for a computer program.

Well... to my surprise, my vinyl distributor- posted a black friday sale, I could not pass up.

Corel Draw for 29.99? You have to be kidding..

It isn't the newest version, but it allows me to do what I need it to do, so I am super pumped. I also got Illistrator for 20.00 for an upgraded version of what I had before.


This will allow me to change my images for my vinyl business and save me a whole heck of alot of time.

My parents came to visit- part 1

We went to get Ice Cream and show my parents JUSCO- When we got there though.. I realized, it was cooler when I was just getting here and wanted to see different places to shop, not necessarily where you go on vacation. We tried to make up for it though on other days..

This post is going to be split because we had such a blast when my parents came to visit.
This last summer because of the fact we don't live in America, we were unable to make it to the annual family vacation. My heart ached that week. I missed my family like crazy. It had been a year since we had seen anyone at that time, so when my Mom told me they were going to come visit us.. we have been soooo excited.

The week before they came I rushed to finish all my orders for vinyl so I could not work while they were here. We had to do some cleaning, and plan for some things to do on this island. We have been here a year and have not been to the big hot spots. So here are some pictures, and I will try to explain as best as possible.


Tonight I had an amazing experience. I need to go back to the first of the week, to remember that I forget about prayer and try to do things on my own sometimes.

After my Mom and Dad left I have been very refreshed and refocused on my family due to the fact that I didn't work for a week. Taking the chance of sounding lazy.. it feels nice.

So tonight we had a fireside for the youth. I normally look forward to anything like this for the youth because it is always inspiring to be reminded how the youth are such an amazing group of people and that we are children of God.

So today, I got to hang out with a friend for a couple hours and just chit chat, then I did something that surprised me. I was starting to find ways to get out of going to the fireside. I started thinking of all the orders I needed to get done and how much housework there was to do.

I consistently had to remind myself that I was supposed to be there. There was something for me at that meeting and I didn't want to miss that experience with my son.

As I was getting ready... I realized all the things I had negelected during the day that now might make it so I couldn't go. 1. i need to get gas in my car to make it to the Futenma building 2. i needed to shower and get ready. ( too many times I have shown having just showered and not really ready 3. my attitude needed to change

This week has been kindof stressful, becuase I needed to make a couple choices for me and my family. However much I like doing vinyl, I needed to change the way my business was being run. I also love fitness and need to take the overseas test to be able to train over here. I also.. really really love just being a mom and wife ( of which I haven't started the week out being a very good one.0

Toby is in the midst of change as well and I support him, but he needs to know how much I stand behind him, and I haven't been showing him :(

Long story short, I got ready and got to the meeting with my son. The speakers were already speaking. We had Bro. Richardson, and Bro. Stevenson as some of the speakers. Cyrus was embarrassed when I started crying. They were speaking with the help of a translator so the Japanese youth and parents could participate with us.

These were Men of God that had come from Utah to speak to our youth! How blessed we were for the opportunity!! As they spoke of the importance of motherhood, I was reminded of my calling. I have four pretty amazing (biased of course) children.

The speakers also touched on how prophets and the role of the youth. I have an amazing opportunity being the Young Womens president in our ward to lead a group of really fantastic young women.

I realized that I had allowed my spiritual cup to spill and get pretty empty. There are alot of people relying on me and my spiritual preparedness to help them learn the things our Heavenly Father wants them to know.

At the first of the week I was praying and asked my Heavenly Father what I should specifically do to change my life. I have been working and creating opportunities for myself, but needed to know if it was the right way for my family and myself. The answer I got today... sparingly. I need to work for my family ( and for that I am thankful for the opportunity I have over here) but I need to also be: A great wife, a fantastic mom, a role model for the young women of how righteuos women live. I need to be a better friend, sister, daughter, and disciple of Jesus.

My answer came tonight knowing that I can be all of those things. I am pretty awesome and DO have that much to share with those around me.

I am going to continue to work, but only about 20 hours a week. I have worked and met some major goals this past couple of months, but now it is time to refocus.

The purpose of being here is to build relationships and make it back to be exhalted.

This long post, reminds me that I have put off blogging WAY too long.
I love my life and love the opportunities I have to share my awesomeness with others and my family.