Friday, January 21, 2011

Gym time= Date time

I never realized how important dates with my husband are, until after the deployment. When he came home, I knew I wanted to get to know him better and be a bigger part of his life as long as he was home.

This past year and a half living on the island we have been trying to make changes to our lives and set good fitness examples for our children. I am very soon going to be doing a complete nutrition overhaul that will take us to our ultimate goals.

That all being said. Toby and I decided instead of going to a dinner and movie for a date- that cost money and makes us lazy, we would go to the gym together. It has been a learning experience but overall some of my most cherished time on the island with him.

Not only do we have common likes and goals, we can see each other achieve- push each other to our physical limits, he can see me cry for a good reason and then come back refreshed to conquer our little world.

With a gym partner it can get frustrating sometimes and we have laughed ourselves out a couple times because we are unfocused and run a mile and go to the BX instead.. but I can honestly say.. " I feel so blessed to get to date my husband at least 5 days a week for an hour"

If you are ever looking for a date- go to the gym... you will find out a lot about each other!

1 comment:

ferntyler said...

so fun! I can't wait until Robie and I can go to the gym together (although I'm still not willing to wake up at 5, so even when the kids are old enough, I'm not sure that will happen.. ha ha)