Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Blogging Machine

Someone must have put my hands through the blogging machine, because I have alot to share and my hands keep typing.

My husband called!! Some of you may not get that a phone call can be an event. I haven't been able to talk to him in the past week because the phones are down. They only get two calls a week for ten minutes anyway. Those calls were taken away because some phone lines are down. Communication is hard sometimes with email: 1. because Toby hates to type and 2. The computer he has at work is missing keys, so they are all like text messages. No vowels.

Anyway, his roomate went out and got a cell phone. They are really expensive there so we have not done it yet, but he let Toby use his phone. We talked long enough to actually have a conversation. It was so nice!

He got me so energized I cleaned my whole house. Some of you might not know the magnitude of that task, but I am organizing, so everything is out of all the closets. i did not put everything away (worked on some major projects). I got the baseboards washed and my floor cleaned. I have a four bedroom home, of which all have lanoleum. It is nice not to vacuum, but I hate to mop.

I have got to get this house in order before my mom comes to visit in a couple weeks. If not she may think I am not doing ok, and get worried about me. i am doing ok, just cleaning and enjoying playing with the kids. Ok, I hate cleaning.

Well, I have decided that I love this blogging thing and am going to continue it.


ferntyler said...

That is so awesome! What a great birthday present... could you just get a cell phone here and send it to him, does it just have to be one of those international phones? Maybe we can work together to make it happen . . .

Liz said...

No has to be international with a area code from over there. It can happen, but just costs so much. I guess not more than a phone over here, but with what the military pays, you can't even afford to stay in