Thursday, February 7, 2008

New Year, New Me!!

It is over!! My birthday came and went. I had a fantastic day and am so proud of all my family letting me know how much they care. I need to apologize to Kath. The text she sent, I didn't know who it was from. I appreciated it non the less.

Now is the time I finally speak my goals. I have been finalizing them for a month and ready to set it in stone. I learned in Mary Kay that if you don't tell people of your goals, you give up way to easy and most don't get achieved.

Here it is..all yall being my accountability partners.
By Feb. 2009..with 4 months to spare until toby comes home:

I will run a marathon..that is right em, I am going to have lots of questions.
I will conquer this mountain by my is a 5 mile run up the mountain. Toby used to do it every friday and it kicked his butt, so I will be able to do it (easy?)
I will have all photographs digitally and put in some kind of book or disk and file the old away.
I will weigh 150 and wear a size 6
I will have shared the gospel with at least 60 people of which 20 will have met with the missionaries
I will have succeeded in my Mary Kay career (yes, I am saying it again!!)
I will have been the best Army wife that has ever existed and have the best marriage possible

That is all, keep me busy for awhile.

Thank you all for supporting me in whatever crazy venture comes my way

1 comment:

ferntyler said...

Love the picture additions - you are looking great. Marathons are crazy, but as we have already established once you put your mind to something I know it is going to happen. :) I like the half marathon distance - it is long enough to make a serious training schedule but not painfully long.
How much weight do you have left to lose, you look like you are pretty close (by the way, 150 is probably a size 8, just to keep the goals realistic :)) You should start a thing on the side where you list what you have done for your workout that day or that week or something - then we can stalk you! Keep the pictures coming...