Thursday, February 7, 2008

Please pray for me

Ok, so I have told you all my personal goals, but have yet to work on my family ones. I think I am ready. I virtually have nothing on my datebook next week and so I think I am designating it to "HELL WEEK".

You have to do it as a mom, but we all put it we go. Cera is crying herself to sleep this week starting at 8:00. She will go no bottle to fall asleep with. Yes, I will make sure she is fed, but no bottle in bed!! Same for naps. Carmen got a new straw sippy cup today and the old ones went in the more sippy cups in bed. I am done hearing SIPPY CUP yelled at me at 3 am because she needs a refill. Carmen is going to be potty trained by next sunday. I will not let my mom come down for her 3rd birthday without her being potty trained.

As far as my the time Toby returns..I will have no more bottles. I will have no more diapers and no more baby bag!! I will have each child going to bed at their scheduled bedtime and not throwing a fit about it.

I know this sounds crazy (we all know I am) but it finally has come. My mom has been waiting until I hit this point and it is finally here. I will, however much I hate it..stay home all day everyday for the next 10 days. No going out. I will have groceries, any supplies needed. We will leave for gymnastics, and scouts/church. But for daily errands, they are getting pushed. They can all wait anyway.

Please pray for me and wish me luck. I am really excited and ready to go through HELL WEEK. I will be blessed for being persistant.


ferntyler said...

Bed time is the best - once you get it down, it is so nice to just put them down and then have some time to yourself with no crying or whining and sleep all night - that will totally help in your working out, too. the potty training, on the other hand, is a rough one - good luck with that (we always just wait until the girls have decided they just want to do it, with a little bit of bribery of course).. You are going to do awesome!

ferntyler said...

OK< how is it going?