Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Bingo Night

Last night was basket bingo for the army family team building. I don't really like bingo but they promised a good turn out of people so I decided to go to promote my business. The way it works is I put a basket of stuff together that they gave away and then I could have a table at the back.

As I type it souds stupid but I really was set up nice and the turnout was awesome. My babysitter bailed on me. This is the first time in 6 months I have gotten a sitter down here and may be the last time. I have to admit I was very frustrated and mad about the situation. Should I not be doing this? I decided that I should be doing this for my family and got on the phone to a couple girls from church. I found one at 4:00 and said I needed her at 5:00. Her mom dropped her off a little late, but who cares, she came!!

I went and seriously was so excited to go somewhere by myself. When I got out of the car I still unlocked the doors and went to get people out. ( habit I guess)

Got to basket bingo and there were a ton of people lined up at my table in the back. The USAA guy was there and offered me a promoting job (what is the deal with job offers lately). I politely told him maybe (seriously!!) and went to tend to customers.

I had a blast!!! I got 60 customer referrals and some sales. I booked 5 shows and have 2 new team members. Mostly uppercase living because it is so new and exciting but a couple Mary Kay which is my real passion. Again got reconfirmed that I am really good with people. I love it.

I had really let myself relax and was proud of myself for that until I came home and found out the Cera had puked ON the babysitter. She just said that it was fine, but I have a feeling she may not come back. The kids were well behaved but she had to clean up puke, so we will see. I have some more appts these next coming weeks that require me to get a sitter so I am getting on that this morning.

Anyway, basket bingo was a hit and leaving the kids was the cherry on top!!


Emily said...

Holy Cow! That sounds really successfull. I'm glad you had a good time. Hopefully you can find a babysitter that like puke. keep up the good work!

ferntyler said...

AT least if she does come back, you should be pretty safe that she won't encounter anything much worse! Sounds like a lot of fun - that uppercase living is so cute, so in markets wbere they don't have it yet, I can see how it would be popular! What is the deal with all the job offers - I got a job offer from a temp agency once to stand on a corner holding one of those lame signs to get people's attention - not exactly high quality...impressive!