My sister Michelle did this on her blog on my birthday and it really made my day you go EM!! Happy Birthday!
Emily is such an inspiration spiritually and physically to me. I have always looked up to her fitness level. She has always pushed herself to her maximum and then keeps going. I have her on my pedastal as a female hero and example for fitness. I hope to someday follow the plan she set out for me to succeed. I know right now she feels like this is not the case because she is pregnant but she amazes me.
Spiritually she is high on my list also. She has always stayed strong in the church and has always been an example to me. Through trying times she has done what we are supposed to and has asked the Lord to help her through it and follows His ways.
Emily has always been a really good friend to me and such a supporter. She is an awesome sister!! Many times she has come to my rescue. I remember having Cera and mom was sick and thinking about what I was going to do. She stepped up without hesitation. I am not good at thank you notes, so she doesn't really know how much that meant to me, but it was very much appreciated.
I remember years ago when I was working nights she totally bailed me out and came to take the kids so I could sleep. So many things I cannot list, but her friendship is very dear to me. She is a great listener and someone that is very positive.
She is an awesome aunt also. The kids have so many awesome memories of aunt emily. When remembering things they say a lot "and that time with aunt emily was so fun" followed by the event. She is a great role model to my kids also and they see how great she is. Courtney always wants to eat healthy like aunt emily. Yeah, another reason why she will be a better mom than me!
I am so excited for her to have this baby. I know she is going to be a fantastic mom!! Happy Birthday little sister. You are amazing and I love you so much. I hope your day is great.
great post! I tried an ode, too, but I like yours better!
Thank you so much! I sent you a thank you text but I wanted to send you a thank you post. Your words were very kind and sincere. All this talk about being a fitness idol has me pumped to get back in shape after the baby! Thanks again, LOVE YOU!
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