Sunday, April 20, 2008

I miss my DADDY

I have to let you all know that we are starting to really feel Toby being gone. I knew it would take awhile since he has been gone for 10 weeks in the past. It will be 14 weeks this Tuesday. We are still keeping really busy but the fun of Toby has left the building.

He is going to make the kids a dvd I think here soon and we are doing the same for him, but Carmen is having a hard time. It really is hard to explain why Daddy has to work for so long, or why his airplane won't come home. I have to be very careful with the radio because any sad song makes here yell "I miss my DADDY". I in turn get to explain this situation she is in and try to let her remeber how much daddy loves her and that his boss will be letting him come home soon. What awesome kids I have to allow their dad to go fight for our country. What awesome kids I have that only complain every once in 14 weeks. As I figure it, we will only have about 4 or 5 bads so that is a promising thought.

On the flipside though..we are so proud of Toby and our own sacrifice here in Texas. I still think this is a really good opportunity for our family and feel like someday Carmen will understand like the older ones on why this is necessary and what her dad stands for and what we stand for as a family. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!

We have 17 Sundays left until we get to see Daddy again and are definitly on countdown...


ferntyler said...

If they didn't miss him, then i would be worried :) That is so hard for you to deal with, but it sounds like you are doing it the right way so they still love him and think of him but don't dwell on it too much ;)

Tenae said...

This made me so SAD!!! What a sweet family you have. So I have been slacking on sending you this package and now I feel bad, so I will tell you what it is and then I will HAVE to send it out to you this week!! I had a local printing company make a "flat daddy" for your kids. It's a thing they are doing here for families with small children that have a daddy serving over seas. They took the picture of Toby that you sent me and blew it up life sized and printed it on a thick plastic and cut it out. It is his waist up so you can sit it at a chair with the family for dinner or whatever but it is the right height for your small girls to be able to see him and kiss him etc...It is to help them remember him. SO I hope you dont already have something like it. You are awesome, Liz! I love you!