Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent teacher conferences can be the best or worst experiences of a parents life I think. You are pretty much told how you are as a parent. Today was my day!!

Let's start with Cyrus. His grades are ok, not exceptional but his behavior is the thing I am most wanting to see continued improvement. He isn't a bad kid by any means but when you go to a school with 3 white kids in a hispanic class and the teacher tells the instructions in english and spanish he did start to struggle. There is a kid that should have been kicked out first quarter but for some reason he still is there. He picks on Cyrus and tells him his Dad is stupid and is going to die overseas. He is an idiot, but his parents are illegals and whatever!!

Anyway, getting back on the subject..his teacher says he is doing great. Has great coping skills and is a good communicator. His teacher was a military brat and knows deployments so he gets Cy to talk about stuff. It is great to have someone who understands him. He is working on his actual schoolwork, but he is great in the class, which is almost more important to me than anything else.

Courtney's conference I knew was going to be exciting because she was told she had recieved the best TAKS test..Ok, I will be honest, I don't even thing that is how it is spelled, but it is the texas assessment test. She was not doing well in school last fall and having a hard time reading. Her teacher has said she shows signs of dislexia and so we were watching that.

I go into the room and sit down..formalities of how she doesn't know how I do it all..blah..blah..blah.. Then she gets right into it. Courtney scored a perfect score on the test!!!!
A perfect score and she was the only one in the 3rd grade at her school to do that..I knew it was good but WOW. Her teacher said she went from a D student to A student in 3 months. Says something for the teacher because that is when she came back from having her baby..

She is a straight A student with great behavior in classs. She absolutly loves her and for the 5th time of saying it to me, hopes her daughter turns out to be like Courtney!!

To say the least we were both crying by the end of the conference, but how exciting. I love to hear how great of a parent I am and see the work we are doing at home showing in results.

YEAH US!! We are all so excited. Only about 9 weeks left to endure until we are ready to PARTY for the summer.

I am so proud of how well my kids have adjusted and continue to thrive.
I love you Cyrus and Courtney


ferntyler said...

that is so awesome! I am going to have my kids read this entry in the morning so they can see how great their cousins are doing!

Emily said...

THat is awesome!! Seriously I have nothing against hispanics but seriously the issues they deal with down there are crazy! Anyway, way to go Tennyson fam on your adjustment in such a hard time! Keep up the good work!

Bethany said...

I love reading your blog, you are an amazing woman and mom...just thought I'd let you know!