Tuesday, April 1, 2008

So I think I am popular

Before everybody comments on how I need to humble myself I want to blog about all the experiences that come with putting yourself out there and meeting new people. Yes, it brings a new daycare opening at the tennysons or phone calls late at night, but I really am greatful for the opportunity to have put myself out there enough to be outgoing.

I may have always been nice to people and learn from my mom at a young age you can make friends everywhere you go. It has only been the last couple years (mostly because of Mary Kay) that I have mastered the skill of making everyone feel awesome when I am around them. I really try hard not to complain. (only to close friends or family)

This week I was making a list of all the people I would still like to facial or have try Mary Kay..or people that still do not know I am LDS that I would like to share the gospel with. My list was way longer than I had thought it would be. I have made it a point to meet about 5 people a day and literally forgot after 30 days I would have 150 new friends.

As it is spring here and in the 80's everyone is going to the park and there are alot of things to do outside. I have had numerous calls to come and have a playdate or get to know you get together.

This is not a liz needs to come back down to earth, she thinks she is soo cool. I wanted to blog it because I was thinking about the responsibility we have from our Heavenly Father to not just share my gospel but to be nice to people. A smile really does change someones day or life!! I am really hoping people stop using the its not my personality excuse and just go out of your current friend circle and talk to someone. I am seriously in awe of all the new people I get to get to know and am so excited at these next couple of weeks when I will meet them again or get to know their families.

So, yes I am really proud of myself and so excited about being a friend to someone new!!

Go out of your bubble people

1 comment:

ferntyler said...

that is so true - I have a real problem with this because I have friends that I am comfortable with already and I think that makes it hard to remember that other people don't have that and might need someone to show a little extra kindness - thanks for the reminder!