Sunday, June 15, 2008

Culture Shock at the Pool

Wow..I don't even know how to write this post. Sit down, hold on, and read..major CULTURE SHOCK!!

Today it was really hot 103 degrees and so about 2 I told the kids we could go swimming. We head over to the pool and start looking for a place to set our stuff. We find a location in the kiddie pool area and we all go to play.

The older kids were gone playing at the bigger area and Carmen, Cera and I were in the wading pool. A lady from probably Germany came with her husband and two kids. I am really over the whole different language thing and just choose not to try to communicate with someone that speaks no english.

This mom starts putting the suits on the kids. I have been known to do it out in public a couple times so I wasn't going to say anything. Well the Mom puts the bottoms on her daughter but no top (bakini). Whatever..I was in a good mood so I wasn't going to critisize anyone. Courtney however came over and said "Mom can you see that little girl without a swim top?" I told her yes, but they are foreigners so maybe that is how they do it.

HOLD ON TO YOUR TOPS...I turn around to this poor teenage lifegaurd running towards this lady. She is taking HER TOP OFF!!! WHAT?

Seriously. In America we do some stuff different I assume, but can you tell we are all wearing our TOPS?

I felt horrified for the lifeguard and the lady obviously knew no english, but her husband came up and was asking what the problem was. What?

Seriously crazy story for the day.

Recap: Crazy German lady at the Officer Club pool took her top off to go swimming today.

Talk about culture shock for all of us


ferntyler said...

Now that is a classic! sorry you and the kids had to witness that :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! How funny!!!


Jennifer said...

What, no pictures? haha, i'm still trying to get the mental image washed out of my brain!