Friday, June 27, 2008


Ok, the doctor confirmed my suspisions today. I have what is called PTLS and it stands for Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome. Totally lame but actually happens with 25 % of the women who get tubal ligations. This totally sucks!

My choices are: 1. Get tubal reversed...which equates to a hysterectomy because my tubal is non reversable. 2. Get hormone therapy and hope we find the right balance 3. Leave it and hope someday my body starts feeling better

Awesome choices right? I will let everyone know when I decide, but we are too close to Toby coming home to do anything drastic right now. Good thing is at least I know what is wrong with me and can tell those stupid Army doctors how stupid I think they are.

I love my doctor here in Utah, but unfortunatly he cannot perform the hysterectomy if I decide that route, it has to be a military doctor to be free.


Anonymous said...

Oh Liz, I am sorry to hear that!! I read so many horror stories about tubals, and vasectomy's that I couldnt bring myself or my husband to go that route. I read about PTLS and it was not nice to see. I am sure you will make the right choice on this, and I surrely would say something to the doc or department that did your surgery.

ferntyler said...

as much as it sucks, at least you have something to know what is going on, you know? I have heard some scary stories about hysterectomies, but then again, you are living a scary story. Hormone therapy is also scary, but at least you can just stop taking the hormones or try a different balance if it doesn't work, right?