Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Memory Tag!

Come on all you blog stalkers who never leave comments, but check my blog (do I have to name names?????)!!! THIS ONE IS FOR YOU!! I want you to participate!!! :)

Memory Tag
Here are the rules :1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.Pleeeeeeeeeease!!!! Pretty please???!!!! This will be a good time!!!!


staci said...

Thanks for the memories on my blog. Those were some good times. Good 'ol volleyball! It sucked at times, but we really had fun didn't we? Gotta love Sharla!! Glad we were on the team together so we could get to know each other! :)

So here's a crazy memory about you. For some reason whenever I hear Reba I always think of you. I don't know why. I remember one time driving in your white honda accord and listening to a Reba cd and I have no idea where we were going, but ever since then, whenever I hear Reba, I always think of you. Weird huh?! Anyway, that's a funny memory I have.

Tenae said...

Only one memory.. Gosh that is hard! I remember when I saw you at Boise Blast. We hadn't met yet. I had seen you at church the week before and when I saw you at Boise Blast, I couldnt stop staring at you. You looked so sharp and I remember you wore a scarf around your neck and it looked so cute. That is the first time I experienced the "wonder" that is you! I was drawn to you and I just wanted to talk to you. Later I would learn that is your gift and talent...people just want to be around you. Awhile later you came to my house on a Sunday and brought me a treat and a card. I still have that card. That was the beginning of our friendship and I am so thankful to have you as a friend.

Anonymous said...

Ok, well, we met at church. We knew about each other, but didnt get to know each other until recently. A memory is when we had lunch at carls jr and you were soooooooo late and I had to leave, so it wasnt really a lunch, more of a hi/bye thing. :) Good times though!!!! heheh

Still learning this blog thing, but I have one... josephandteri.blogspot.com I think.

Emily said...

So is it weird that anytime I watch the t.v. show reba or hear her music I also think of Liz? Funny! I remember Liz working graveyards when Cyrus and Courtney were just little tykes. I got the privilege of watching them while Liz slept. I loved that! That could possibly be why Liz's kids think I'm the coolest Aunt ever. LOL! Okay, I'm done now. Love ya' liz.