Saturday, September 13, 2008


So I am a total freak about lists and counting down things. I will post a ton later about Toby's awesome visit home, but just wanted to point out before I take my counter off my page that I am over half-way done with this deployment. Almost a month more than half. YAY!!

Toby just left this morning and I just have to say how much I love him and am soo proud of him for sacrificing and going to serve again. I am also very proud of my children. They are so strong and I hope they know how much their father loves them and that is why he is willing to do this.

Love you honey, and know you are in my constant thoughts.

To everyone else. I have over 300 pictures, so I have to sort through and will put a slide show up tomorrow. I am thankful for the time we had together and am excited for all the things we have planned for the next couple of months.

YAY!! Goal setting is my favorite...


Tenae said...

HURRAY! You are back! I was really missing following along with your life! I am so happy for you and your family that you got to have that time with Toby. You are awesome and I love you!

Sarah said...

I am so glad you had that time with your hubby. I bet it was great and can't wait to see the pictures!

TJ said...

Liz, That is so awesome! I am glad you got to spend time with Toby! I am sure you had the best time ever! R&R's are a BUNCH of fun!

You have a great positive outlook, keep that up!!!! Miss you down here!


ferntyler said...

I can't wait to see some pictures from your couple of weeks - I hope you were able to cram as much quality time as possible in (i heard about a trip to vegas?)