Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I cannot let it go. I watched the debate tonight. I went and ran at the gym while watching trying to get out frustrations while I listened. While there I found myself clapping, crying and being disappointed right there on the treadmill.

I am really upset about the spin afterwards. Most of it is being focused on how Obama's smile and looks makes him more favorable to be the President? What? How do your looks or if you can eloquently give a speech make you a good President? I am confused..isn't that what the past shows to calamity?

I just am sick about some of the similarities that this election is with a Hitler movie I saw. He promised everything to his people if He and the government could have the power. YEAH that worked out!

If we look at how our Heavenly Father set up His plan, why don't we follow it and do ours that way? Yes..there is someone to answer to and help guide us, but we make our own choices, we put our trust in God because he can be trusted and He is one man that knows all. No man on earth in Washington knows all. Why would he have all the power over what I want to do in my life?

I could go on about this for hours. Just please people..don't just listen to the media on this. Do your own research. Know that there is true danger if we make the wrong decision. I know that is kind of harsh, but it is true and I think some people don't want to believe it. This is not a call for people to be scared, because it can be changed. In the scriptures we have time and again of a people that becoming greedy and sinful and they change it and save their people by making the right choices and making changes in the way they live. Let us follow that example in this time of our lives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen! I wholeheartedly agree!!