Saturday, February 14, 2009


So, I had my surgery a couple weeks back. My hormones seem to be getting back to normal and I have not been throwing up as much. However, my sleep is really not going well and the other day I needed a boost of energy. Me? I never need that I can go and go. Anyway.. I have not had very much soda and for that matter a energy drink in over a year. Well... NOW I know why we are supposed to stay away from that crap..

I felt like what I think you would feel like if I was on speed. I remember drinking coke all the time and energy drinks and not getting that caffiene and sugar rush.. that is sad when you reach that point.

So, back to the grind.. back to no more soda and for sure no more energy drinks.. just running to get my burst of energy.

1 comment:

Sherry, Michael, Jacob said...

I think giving up soda is going to be a huge challenge for me. I do drink more water now and other things but if I don't drink my diet cherry pepsi my head feels as if it is going to explode. I did try it for two days and my head only seemed to hurt more and more. I did take motrin and tylenol and it didn't even take to edge off. I am glad to hear you are getting better. I am sorry you have been down and out for longer then you wanted. Your body will heal and you will be like new again! Hopefully not throwing up any longer. Talk to you soon!