When a new couple gets to the island and gets assigned to the unit we were originally assigned to, they have a retreat you get to go to when you first get to the island. A couple days after we got into our house in Chibana, we were offered the opportunity to go.
What they told us: Free food for us and our family, beach side rooms for free, time away for Toby and I and they provide the childcare.. I was SOLD!
We were driven up to the resort called Ocuma. It was truly an amazing place. We were hooked up with a very nice room and checked into our retreat. What I DID NOT know is that it was a marriage retreat! Um.. yeah to work on your marriage?
So.. Toby and I smiled at each other and even though our marriage is great right now both of us wanted to have good attitudes and enjoy the weekend and all the freebies.
At the end of the first mini session were told about the meals. We are entitled to 15$ per person for every meal. If you want me to do the math for you.. that is 90$ for every meal for 3 days! What? Ya.. it was amazing food too.
For three days everyone got things we normally do not order. Soda, appatizers, and desserts!
We were just getting to the island and none of us had snorkling gear or anything so we rented a couple set of those. It was our first time in the ocean here and we noticed that the waves are not as harsh as we remember them in the states. You can just go float around and not worry about being sucked in. It was awesome.
The kids did have a couple times they got reminded of the sea water not being pool water with the salt but it was warm and beautiful.
On the walk back from dinner one night we saw our first fruit bats on the island. They are AWESOME! Never thought I would ever be close to bats, or think they are beautiful. They are not killer bats, so I have no reason to fear them.
We just had an amazing time and it was fun to start to unwind from our traveling and kindof do an end of trip/start your new life journey type of thing.
Ocuma is definetly someplace I will be talking about in the future, and when people come to visit (you are coming right) we will go there!
Random funny story:
Toby and I had been running together before we moved, but it had been weeks since we had that opportunity, so we thought Ocuma would be a great place. Until I hear "oh man" and find out he has brought two different shoes.. ha ha