Friday, April 11, 2008

I miss him..I miss him

I don't think people realize how much I miss my husband because I never complain about it. I go on with life as if he were here and don't touch on it very often.

I think it is one of those things really close to you that you don't really let people into.

I want everyone to know however that I do miss my husband..terribly! When I need a hug nobody seems to fill his shoes.

He is my best supporter and I love him for always thinking I can do anything I put my mind to.

There is a saying that goes around here "Live as if he deploys tomorrow" it is very dear to my heart and I think one reason is because we did do that before he left. We have both changed so much in the last year and a half. I live my life for my husband and kids guided by my Heavenly Father.

I miss him being with us at dinner and laughing at my cooking. I miss him napping while I am cleaning and then when I sit down to relax napping again!! I miss doing his laundry. I miss his routine. He would get all his things laid out for the next day and shower. I would sit in the bathroom and talk to him.

I miss getting up and making him a huge breakfast, just to have him get home late from pt and have to head right back in.

I miss his smile.. I miss rubbing my fingers up his neck and then slapping the back of his head which led to a restling match that the kids thought I was dying because I was laughing so hard. I miss family pictures that he cannot be serious for a minute in.

I miss the random text messages that would come just because. I miss him being here to be the fun parent. He would always gladly go to the park or throw the ball or play keep away in which always ended up with Courtney crying and getting her feelings hurt. I miss my babysitter!!!

I miss him because he made noise. Although there are 5 of us still living here it is really quiet and it makes it noticably bare.

I miss the priesthood in my home. Although I do believe God compensates with angels. I miss having a talk after church and learning new things with him, and making fun of the things that always seem to happen at church.

I will have to say although I miss him dearly he is in my daily routine. I honk and wave at strangers or clean out the car, because I know he would hate the mess. I push myself to work harder and be better because that is what I know he is doing. I pray daily and hard that we can keep up with this pace and make it through this happily.

I love my husband very much and I don't share enough with everyone how much I appreciate him. I am so proud of him. I know this was a right decision for our family and cannot wait to see where we go next.

I am thankful for modern technology and being able to hear his voice. I am thankful for our relationship still being the same even though he is "at work"

So, I am still doing awesome and our family is getting along great, but I thought I would let everyone know that that doesn't mean I don't miss him.


ferntyler said...

That's a sweet post - I figured as much, but it is good to see (especially after all your "don't worry about me, I"m totally fine"). I love that a lot of the things that you miss are actually things that would annoy you if he was there (i.e. napping while you clean, etc.), Robie has been gone for a whole 2 days and I miss those kinds of things, too (already).. like how he snores and I have to hit him to make him quiet.. He'll be home before you know it and then you'll have to read this post back to remember all the things you love about him!

Liz said...

So true, however I did come to peace with the napping thing and did not let it bug me before left.

ferntyler said...

sorry, shouldn't have said you would get annoyed at him for that stuff - I have a lot of things I've "come to peace" with that still bug me every once in a while (i'm working on that :).. you are such a great wife!

Liz said...

oh please, say what you want..there are things that still annoy me. I don't think I can get over his picking nose thing, but I try not to gag too much.