Friday, June 6, 2008

The Body

The body is such a strange thing, but so miraculous. I think I finally found out what I think is wrong with me. Ok, I know doctors hate when patients come in with stuff printed off the internet, but OH WELL.

I will let you know if they think I am a total freak or not!

I have been trying to run this third mile for awhile and it is totally bugging me. I finish two and start three and then the knee hurts. It stops if I bazarre. I am hoping it is all in my head that I just don't want to do the third mile.

I hope I have alot of years left with this body and realize now I am not getting issued a new one, so I hope my body and I can come in agreements about some things or one of us is going to have to give in..Please let me win that fight lol


ferntyler said...

so you're not going to tell us your hypothesis?

Liz said...

Hormone imbalance. I started getting sick right after my tubes got tied and then I am starting to see a pattern of my worst sick days.

ferntyler said...

hey, totally possible - i'm surprised they haven't checked for that - seriously, i know they have years under their belt, but you have the motivation to actually figure it out!

Jennifer said...

Ooh, I'm liking it, don't forget to give us the verdict after the next round of tests, etc. Hopefully they'll at least do the right tests now that you've got a theory based on the pattern you see. Have you ever watched Diagnosis X or the other one that's just like it. Basically it's about these patients that struggled with X for the longest time and finally either a new Dr or a find by the patient will unlock the right diagnosis and voila they can get taken care of. The funniest part is they will talk about how they went to all of these Drs and you always know if they start talking about the Dr. that solved the problem because they'll call the Dr by name. All of the other ones are 'their family Dr.' or 'an emergency dr'.