Monday, July 7, 2008


This fourth of july post is late, I know. I have been waiting until I am not an emotional wreck to blog it. This fourth of July is so much more meaningful to me this year than any other. We have been in the military 2 years now and this year seeing that flag brings tears to my eyes.

It is more than just the everyday random Army Wife pity party. It is more than the spending a great summers day watching fireworks without my husband. It is more than the parades and bbq's.

I walked around my moms neighborhood the night of the 4th. Regretfully so in my workout clothes! I walked and really took it in. It was finishing up a great week for me and my kids. It was a really nice day weather wise and seeing old friends was great. As I walked I couldn't help but think of how awesome a country we live in that allows us to get together with friends and family for dinner. How we get to choose what we eat. How we get to pray before we eat if and when we want.

I am so thankful for the opportunity that I have to be able to walk freely, without fear, especially in little kaysville utah, and be able to enjoy life. This country has been around a long time and seen good and bad times. I think of all the Army wives before me that said goodbye to their husbands to keep this country free for me to come and enjoy my life.

We finished off the last set of fireworks tonight and I thought of what they signify. They remind me of the bombs that some had to watch go off. They remind me of the gunfights that our brave soldiers have gone through for generations and in our current day.. I try to not have too many conversations on war, but it is real! I am thankful for the people who selflessly go and fight so I can sit here and not think about it.

I am so greatful for this country and the freedoms we have. How blessed we all are to live here and even in bad times enjoy more freedoms than alot of others, or for that matter enjoy the freedoms that could still be taken from us if we don't stand up for what we believe in.


I am super proud of my soldier husband and yes honey..I know you can win any fight by reminding me you are fighting for my freedom!! lol


ferntyler said...

great post! We really are so lucky!

Jennifer said...

Thanks for the reminder!