Monday, June 30, 2008

Tape Player is some difficult technology

Today I was out for a morning run and there was this old guy standing on the corner getting ready for his morning walk. He was standing there getting very frustrated with his music device. After deciding he wasn't a serial killer I went over to help. I thought for sure his grandkids had purchased an IPOD for him and he was using it for the first time or something.

Turns out his wife wanted to get him motivated to start walking again so she pulled out all the stops and got him a TAPE PLAYER? I asked him if she bought it or just got it out of some 20 year storage (ok I was a little nicer about it, but still?) He said "he didn't know where she got the blasted thing but technology these days cofused him". I asked him a couple questions and then he asked me how to push play on the tape player and added he is so scared of computers and what they know about us or something like that.

I thought it to be very funny and sad at the same time that technology changes so fast. Some people obviously literally get left behind.

With giving up my cell phone and my IPOD out of commission, if I stop blogging beware it may be leaving me behind as well :)

Friday, June 27, 2008


Ok, the doctor confirmed my suspisions today. I have what is called PTLS and it stands for Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome. Totally lame but actually happens with 25 % of the women who get tubal ligations. This totally sucks!

My choices are: 1. Get tubal reversed...which equates to a hysterectomy because my tubal is non reversable. 2. Get hormone therapy and hope we find the right balance 3. Leave it and hope someday my body starts feeling better

Awesome choices right? I will let everyone know when I decide, but we are too close to Toby coming home to do anything drastic right now. Good thing is at least I know what is wrong with me and can tell those stupid Army doctors how stupid I think they are.

I love my doctor here in Utah, but unfortunatly he cannot perform the hysterectomy if I decide that route, it has to be a military doctor to be free.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I wanted everyone to know what it is like sometimes being a wife to a deployed soldier. Last week I was moving out of post housing to get into an apartment this fall. Moving out of housing comes with some paperwork and lots of sweat.

Last saturday, knowing I was to clear quarters on Wednesday..I started taking boxes to my storage unit. I moved everything to storage because we are going to be traveling all summer. I went to turn my car on and it was a no go. Dead car in my front yard..saturday night. What do you do? Call your husband overseas and act like it doesn't bother you :)

Sunday morning..couldn't make it to church, but the tow truck comes to get my car. My car was not done as promised on sunday but I needed to move my stuff. I call a cab and take my kids to rent a uhaul truck. For the next couple days that was my new ride. I single handedly (all except a tv armoire) moved my whole 4 bedroom house to a storage unit. I was going to attempt to clean before we left but the mean lady from the housing office said that nobody passes so not to even try.

When you are in a location far from family, you have to learn to make due. You either make friends or do it yourself. I have made lots of friends and still ended up doing it by myself. I did have a couple other army wives help me came and mopped and the other one let me drop the two small girls off at 7pm to get the last little bit in boxes. thanks guys

I have to say, I am so glad my life is simplified enough that I can pack up everything with my four kids tugging at my legs and single handedly move all my lifes belongings to a new location. Bring it on disaster!! I will have to say that I appreciate my mom and dad for being a great support group for me and my husband for keeping me strong in the light of disaster. Thanks everyone..I love you!!

I love my Army wife life and the empowerment I get when I go through these experiences. I am so glad that I am a wife of a deployed soldier that loves me and gives me great support. I really feel for those moms that are truly single moms and do this all the time without the support that I have.


I am loving vacation so far and trying to not feel guilty about relaxing. Kids and I left last week and drove up to southern Utah to meet the brothers and sisters and all the little cousins.

I have to chime in how proud I am of myself for once again driving me and my kids across the country and arriving safely.

We visited Bryce Canyon and went on some great hikes. The first day was awesome and then I got a little sick, so no big ones for me. Cyrus rode a bull calf and it was so funny to watch him. I was signed up to ride the bull but after signing my waiver and committing myself to not sueing the rodeo if I become disabled, I backed out.

The hotel was awesome and I remembered how much I love staying in a hotel and getting my little bucket of ice. I LOVE THAT!!

We arrived to moms safe and have been feeling great with just relaxing. I am loving it. Thanks mom and dad for always giving us a great vacation to enjoy time together as a family.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Culture Shock at the Pool

Wow..I don't even know how to write this post. Sit down, hold on, and read..major CULTURE SHOCK!!

Today it was really hot 103 degrees and so about 2 I told the kids we could go swimming. We head over to the pool and start looking for a place to set our stuff. We find a location in the kiddie pool area and we all go to play.

The older kids were gone playing at the bigger area and Carmen, Cera and I were in the wading pool. A lady from probably Germany came with her husband and two kids. I am really over the whole different language thing and just choose not to try to communicate with someone that speaks no english.

This mom starts putting the suits on the kids. I have been known to do it out in public a couple times so I wasn't going to say anything. Well the Mom puts the bottoms on her daughter but no top (bakini). Whatever..I was in a good mood so I wasn't going to critisize anyone. Courtney however came over and said "Mom can you see that little girl without a swim top?" I told her yes, but they are foreigners so maybe that is how they do it.

HOLD ON TO YOUR TOPS...I turn around to this poor teenage lifegaurd running towards this lady. She is taking HER TOP OFF!!! WHAT?

Seriously. In America we do some stuff different I assume, but can you tell we are all wearing our TOPS?

I felt horrified for the lifeguard and the lady obviously knew no english, but her husband came up and was asking what the problem was. What?

Seriously crazy story for the day.

Recap: Crazy German lady at the Officer Club pool took her top off to go swimming today.

Talk about culture shock for all of us

Monday, June 9, 2008

Mark Wahlberg

OK, so I have to say it. After my babysitter and I acted like a couple teenage girls today giggling at a new movie trailer..Mark Wahlberg is HOT!! I know we all have the actor that we have a crush on and he is it for me. I am so excited about his new movie and just found out that I missed one somewhere in the last couple years. He just has something about him and then this month he was on the front of a mens magazine I just had to buy. His voice is so Hot too!!

It is probably inappropriate for me to go on and on about him, but lets be honest..we can look right? It is just a simple non activating crush that will go nowhere, but I thought I would confess to you all who it was for me.

What to do when I am missing my Hercules and Brain

Seriously today I lost my brain somewhere and my kids will never let me forget this day! I decided in the spirit of moving to unhook my washer and dryer so they can be moved to clean under and so forth. Somewhere in the mix of things I stopped paying attention and this is what happened:

1. Start unhooking hot water hose..gets hot, so I think to go turn the valve off of the hot water heater. No water comes out of hose, small success

2. I unhook cold water hose and water starts splashing EVERYWHERE! I am a quick thinker and have my son hold a bucket and catch the water while I go out and turn off the main water valve. YAY for me!! I am set if we have a disaster.

3. Start to think why the crap I had to go through such a fuss to take the hoses off the washer because it wasn't that hard when my husband hooked them up.

OH YEAH>> there are valves on top of the hose!! DUH could I be anymore stupid in this situation. (they were covered so you couldnt see them straight on if that is a good excuse)

After cleaning up my flooded kitchen (yes the washer and dryer are in the kitchen) I started to turn of the valves so I could go turn the water back on to the house and my Hurcules of a husband opened them up so much that it took me 10 minutes to get them to budge to close them.

What would I do with myself if I wasn't resourceful and couldn't laugh at myself? I would probably not exist because I do stupid stuff all the time.

BLONDE!! is my main excuse for the day

(pictures to come)

Friday, June 6, 2008

Where a good attitude can take you

In all my things I do, I sit back and think how awesome I would be at something. I sat giving plasma the other day and thought I would be good at being a phlebotomist because I would able to make patients feel comfortable. So then I thought "well then I would be a great nurse"

I continued to think this way for the remainder of the hour. Fitness Instructor ( when I get some coordination), Life Coach, waitress, nail tech, hair stylist, tanning salon manager, bank teller, car salesman, Army Recruiter, Congressman (ok I got a little carried away).

What all my thinking led to was that I am not necessarily meant to play all these roles in life, but how if you have a good attitude you can do anything. Everyone has different personalities (and you better believe I know how awesome mine is!!! lol) but we each have something to share and I hope you are sharing with someone or something. Not just in jobs, but in life. How many times do we go throughout our day without any purpose? How many times do we end our day and wonder what we accomplished?

Each of us is blessed with different talents and gifts and let us not forget they need to be USED!! I cannot sing very good, but I sing with all my heart..I as spoken of before cannot dance, but love to try. I do love to meet people and make new friends and I understand that is not easy for everyone, but it could be if you practiced. I urge you to find one special talent this week and make it better. USE IT!! You will find you have more and then it starts to build. If we do this with a fantastic attitute we cannot fail.

I am going out this week and succeeding in all my endeavors and hope you will join me in developing a new talent or working on one that is weak..WE CAN DO IT

June goals

Holy cow, now that I am officially late on setting my goals for the month I am getting extra pumped for this week to work twice as hard.

June brings some challenges for me with the kids out of school but also great opportunities also. I have a friend who has a great idea of having a summer theme with her kids. She is studying ancient cities (which is totally cool). I have decided to focus on fitness.

My kids and I are going to start training to do a race together. Toby wants us to do the Bataan March in White Sands next year and it is pretty grueling but why not start training now. I am going to focus alot on different kinds of food and how it fuels the body and we will put together a book of favorite recipes that are healthy.

I really need to bump up this cardio so I will be able to run the full 3 miles 3 times in 25 minutes or less by June 30th. I will be able to do lunges across and back of the full length gym. My situps will get up to 40 in two minutes. I will be able to do 5 real pushups (man that is hard for me).

As far a spiritually I plan on focusing my efforts on studying my scriptures and acting on the promptings I recieve. I will make it to the Temple this month. Once in Juarez, once in Albequerque and a couple times in Utah.

Cyrus wants to be able to run a mile without stopping and Courtney is going to finish 2 miles.

Carmen is going to know her alphabet and her numbers to 30. She really loves music so we are going to work on some more songs to memorize.

I will finish my book...I thought I had it, and now it is gone ( I needed to change some things anyway)..yes, Jen I will bring it with me to see if you can retrieve.

I will INSPIRE this month people to do things they thought they could never do..let me know what it is that you really want to achieve..Anything is Possible.

My Mary Kay business is coming along good but I will bump it up to GREAT
There it is and a vacation and moving somewhere in the mix..I already am so excited for June and cannot wait to let you know how it feels to achieve all these goals.

The Body

The body is such a strange thing, but so miraculous. I think I finally found out what I think is wrong with me. Ok, I know doctors hate when patients come in with stuff printed off the internet, but OH WELL.

I will let you know if they think I am a total freak or not!

I have been trying to run this third mile for awhile and it is totally bugging me. I finish two and start three and then the knee hurts. It stops if I bazarre. I am hoping it is all in my head that I just don't want to do the third mile.

I hope I have alot of years left with this body and realize now I am not getting issued a new one, so I hope my body and I can come in agreements about some things or one of us is going to have to give in..Please let me win that fight lol

Seriously pull yourself together

You know those weeks when your life is full of excitement and full of spiritual experiences that you are on overload?

Sunday was a great start to my week with Fast Sunday. I was crying the whole time at church and just one thing after another prayers and inspirtation was being answered for me.

Monday morning is usually a time when I run all my errands and start my week off good. I had a request from the missionaries to make me breakfast because "Sister Tennyson is the best member of the church". Ok, they are just really loving me because of all the people I send to them to teach. Anywho..they came over and made me eggs, bacon and toast. And did the dishes. Pretty good for these guys. I was really greatful and as always they shared a great message with me and reminded me to be a good MEMBER MISSIONARY! I was crying after dropping them off because again I was reminded of how God has placed me in this place at this time and wants His work to progress through me.

Tuesday, I have not excuses for Tuesday except that it was the day before Wednesday lol
I refused to do anything remotley productive and spend the day throwing up and body aching.

Wednesday..still throwing up so I didn't make it to the gym. Had an awards Ceremony for Courtney in the morning where she got commended for the TAKS Test. She got 100 on it and I am so proud of her. I started bawling from the moment I went in the gymnasium to when I got in my car. I was just thinking of all the things my parents have supported me through and how that love never ends. Love you Mom and Dad and am so greatful for the sacrifices you made for me and the support you have always been.

That same day I went back for Cyrus's awards that he got one in Music and one in Leadership. Again with the crying. Then I was driving down the street and saw a soldier in his car and he took off his cover like Toby would and I started again. I started thinking of this time last year I moved to El Paso, and how much I love the heat!!!

Thursday I got to go to lunch with a new friend and on the way home started crying..I was so greatful to have the opportunity to meet with her and start building our memories and friendship. That night I made a list of all my friends and family that I love and it was a really long list and I started to cry.

I cried because God has given me such a blessed life. He has granted me a fantastic family with Awesome sisters (that I seldome talk to).. A super set of parents that no matter what love me and support me. A husband that not only loves me but goes to fight for the country that I live so safely in. A great bunch of kids that really do have awesome manners and are polite when it counts. He restored this church on earth today that I could be a member and find His lost sheep.

Tonight I had an opportunity to go to a friends house and have a fun wholesome night and meet new people. I then picked up Cyrus from a scout camp and was reminded how awesome my church is for having this opportunity with it. Cyrus had a blast!!

I will get up early in the morning and walk the Canyon with my kids and enjoy Gods creation. I am so excited to take in all the small animals running around (or big spiders, but I appreciate that they have a purpose). I will be able to serve my family in the morning and then spend time on my Primary projects. I have a baptism that I get to lead the music for and cannot wait to feel the spirit there. After that I am going to make sure that we are ready for Sunday and get myself ready for Sunday.

I know this is long, but I hope you all know that I am trully greatful for each one of you. Some think they read this invisibly, but I know you know my heart and that I love you. I love family, old friends and new. I love my Heavenly Father and Jesus and am so thankful for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints and for its true principles that guide my life.

So although I have been crying all week long, it is is because my the spirit has touched my heart. I love you all!!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Personal Revelations

I just wanted to remind everyone that we are entitled to personal revelations and am so greatful for the opportunities we have to learn and grow in this mortal existance.

I am not going to lie, I have been struggling with going back to work at a regular JOB for awhile now and have actually been trying to get my kids ready daycare if that was my choice. I have been contemplating moving back to Utah. Toby and I have some major goals and I am committed to taking a role in them. It will requires some sacrifice on our part but will be worth it when Toby gets home.

After much prayer and fasting I have decided to not return to work. I have learned that Heavenly Father wants/needs me in El Paso at this place and time.

I struggled with this decision because in this expensive day and age the money would be helpful. With my decision I have however decided to make some major changes in my spending habits. With much sadness (I am sure I will get over it) I have decided to put my cell phone on a military hold until Toby gets back,I will be moving into an apartment, I have cancelled our basic cable, and am trying to decide what to do with my gas guzzling SUV.

These decisions were not easy for me, but with the Lord's help we will succeed. It is so fulfilling to be able to fast and pray and know with assuridy what you are supposed to do. Sometimes I don't like the answers I receive and do it my way, but as the years go by I am figuring out that I can trust the Lord and have courage to take action in His Plan. I know that I sat with Him in Heaven and went over some of these things and agreed on them and for that I am willing and able to do this now.

What a great church I belong to. What a fantastic opportunity we have and I am so excited to pass along this happiness to others.