Tuesday, July 29, 2008


OK, so I have either got to do it, or quit thinking about it. I met someone who knows pageantry (if that is even a word) and she said my personality could win Miss Congeniality, but I need to work on a whole slew of things to even compete in a major competition.

She talked about my fore mentioned fat roll (so embarrassing), she talked about my poise and my speaking skills. She thankfully was not as mean as the other girl from Utah that I had talked to but very helpful.

So, I am going to give myself until after my surgery to work on a good resume. That is what they pretty much use in the MRS catagories. I laughed when I was talking to some guys about it and we decided that it isn't that great of a resume when I have 1. signed up to run a marathon someday 2. plans to go back to college someday 3. worksout when she has time..not too impressive right? I do however have the "she is raising 4 kids on her own while her husband is deployed overseas card to play" but I hold that card very close to my heart, because I never know when I will need it and don't want to waste it.

The actual competition is in June of next year, so I have to work hard this winter if it is what I decide to do..so for these next couple months, i will try not to bring it back up until it is a concrete goal and something I will not go back on.

Time is crackin until Toby comes home and we are ssooooooo excited I can't even come to describe the feelings..I can't really think of anything past August right now anyway.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Update to my whereabouts

Ok, so sometimes I think you are probably wondering where I am at? Utah, Idaho, El Paso? Sometimes I am all over the place and don't even know where I am at!! I have an update for everyone. Now that I have traveled and made it final, I can announce with clarity my situation.

Short story long... I got sick about 11 months ago after I had my tubes tied. I have been in and out of the doctor and nobody knows what is wrong. Oh yes, they do. Once Toby left they said I was crazy and sent me away with anxiety pills. HO HUM. Because I knew I was not crazy ( I AM NOT) I went on with life.

These last couple months the sickness just started to get annoying, sometimes worse, but mostly annoying. I was so happy to see my awesome Dr. here in Utah. He told me what sickness I had and then ran some tests. He ran a precancerous test last week and I thought it came back that I was in the clear, but apparently I have to have another test to test for Cervical Cancer. I am sure it is probably nothing because I know I still have a huge mission to accomplish here, but still you have to have hardships to appreciate the good right?

Toby is coming in a couple weeks so I am putting off any surgeries that are needed, but I am scheduled for a hysterectomy on Sept 14th. I didn't want it to come to this, but it has.

Nonetheless.. I am in Utah now. I brought back some of my stuff and the rest is still in storage in El Paso. We have to go back sometime. I am at my moms and we are going to make the best of this. I am sure she is already pulling out her hair, but she offered and I accepted.

We don't know how long we will stay but I am doing surgery and then going from there. This is not what I really wanted to do, but I know it is necesary. I know I can touch lives here also and will try my best to get some Temple work done.

I am so thankful for a supportive husband and mom and dad that help me in times like these. I am so thankful for a Heavenly Father that allows me to grow in many ways to have experiences to share and help others. I am so thatnkful for my good friends in El Paso that understand my situation and even though it will be tough living without me (ha ha) for a time, I can still touch there lives and text all night just like home.

Thanks everyone for being so supportive and I change what my other post said. I do care what people think of me.. I do care about all of you guys that love me for who I am . I love you all and look forward to many more moves and updates!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Sisters

I waited until the end of the week so I could include all my sisters and do their birthday blog. I have 3 sisters who had birthdays this week. Jennifer, Michelle, and Katherine. I am not good at the picture adding and apologize for not having anything for this particular blog.

Some things that my sisters have taught me: All of them taught me it is ok in high school to drive the big blue van with guys hanging off the back ladder (what?) I remember so many times seeing my sisters driving up the street with some guy chasing them and jumping on the car. lol

My older sister were the ones who taught me how to write so great. I do not make them take the blame for the grammar but it all started with the ODE TO era. They used to write ODES to everything. Boy crushes, football games, everything...

With my two older sisters they probably don't know how courageous I think they were to move to San Diego. I love to move around but they were fresh out of college, not sure if it was going to work out and moved by the beach and lived the dream man!!! That example is something I will never forget.

Jen especially I remember the weekend we went camping with the guys..I believe you were taking a couple pictures with Mark for engagement possibility pictures. That was so fun. Jen how hard of a worker you are. I don't know if I could work full time days and keep my head in the game, but you do it..You are also the person I have on my list to fix any tech problems I have for my stuff..I just never finish those projects.

Michelle.. I remember when you bought your first house. I was so excited for you. I remember thinking how grown up you seemed. You have been someone I have looked to as of late for a fitness icon. Sometimes it is good to find an idol that you can follow.. Thanks for that.

Kath..Thanks for always being a great listener. I rarely talk to any of my sisters because of who knows why, but my conversations with Kath have always been filled with a great conversation and someone I know I can confide in.

Happy Birthday you guys. I know I did not even call or send a card, but my thoughts were with you. I love you all!!!!


Ok, so I am not a huge sports fan..lets be honest I don't watch until Toby calls me in and tells me to watch and it is usually a replay. I am very fortunate to have a husband (when he is home) to choose to hang with the fam instead of watching sports all day.

With that lead in I have to say I watched the whole ESPYS award show tonight. Yes, I realize it is not exactly like watching sports but normally something like this would not keep me for 2 seconds.

Some things I enjoyed: the cameraman that loved Fergie even though she didn't look that good. Beckhams ( i think wife) she has had so much Botox I really felt bad she couldn't smile or give an expression.

Although I usually am not a huge Justin Timberlake fan..I am adding him on my list as hilarious. He was the host and did and awesome job.

The inspirational stories really moved me to be a better athlete myself and lastly I am not usually a fan of sponsors ads in the show, but under armour sold me on their products. I am going to find the commercial and play it for myself before every workout.

For not being a fan..I am sold on the award show!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I am going to be candid here and talk about fat rolls. I do promise however to not post pictures in this particular blog :)

I have been working out really hard. I work all my muscle groups. I am working on my eating and am seeing results in my weight loss. I stepped it up a notch again to get my body back off the plateau.

What about my one fat roll? Will it ever be lost? If I lose enough weight and am physically fit, is it possible for a fat roll to still be there? I don't want to have to get lipo to reach my physical goals. I am hoping that if I eat cleaner than my body will see a difference on this one spot. I do situps and see no difference.

How frustrating. I hope that I can see this diminish and not haunt me the rest of my life. Let me know what you think. This blog is in place of writing into my oxygen mag to get answers.

6 months milestone

I have always kindof hated when people have a huge amount of anniversaries for everything, so I will not call this an anniversary. This is a milestone. Today is the Tennysons 6 month mark for this deployment with the Army. WOW! time really does fly.

What we have done in the last 6 months:

Cyrus found out what was wrong with him and started on some good meds to get better. Cy had a great season of flag football. Cy has worked really hard on his schoolwork and physical health. He has learned alot about the Army life and how to be yourself in the face of peers making bad choices.

Courtney had a great time doing gymnastics and looks forward to starting back up this fall. She has also been working on her physical health and is a great eater (clean). Courtney has picked up any of my slack during this deployment and went from getting D's in school to being the top of her class with straight A's.

Carmen has always been daddy's little girl, so this has been kindof rough on her. It is hard for a 3 year old to comprehend how to communicate by phone. She has done a great job however and and has not changed but has become more and more hilarious.

Cera Jane of course has changed the most because that is what babies do. She has learned to walk, grown 8 teeth, learned to say hi and wave bye. She loves to babble on the phone and sit by daddys picture and say dada.

I have lost 45 pds, made some extra money for my family, improved my physical conditioning, read the book of mormon, made some good friends, came back in touch with some old ones. I have been given some new insight and appreciation for our country and have a deeper love for my husband than I ever thought possible.

I cannot really share much of what toby has been doing except for the Bataan Death March which was a marathon in his boots and full uniform and 45 pds ruck on his back. He has build some major muscle mass and has been positive in the face of adversity for 6 month away from his children, missing all the things listed above.

I am thankful for the last 6 months. My life is awkward but is really awesome. I see things different and am thankful for that. I get to feel emotions differently and more often than alot of people. Our family has been blessed beyond compare and I am thankful for the decision Toby made to change the direction in our lives. In tears and in joy I say thanks to all of you for the support of me and my family.
HAPPY DAY>> 6 month milestone!

I don't care what you think of me

I will just start by letting everyone know the purpose of my blog. It is a place where I love to go and write some thoughts down. My blog is a place where I can share emotions and experiences that my family and I have been living. I love to know that my family and go and see what I did that week and keep everyone updated.

There has been a huge (OK not that big) amount of people who read my blog and love me for my positive thoughts, my sarcasm and humor, my insights into different things. I really do have people that I hope it touches the way the experiences and things touch me. My purpose is the same purpose i have in this life: To have fun, to motivate others to be their best and to keep in touch. That is it!

OK, so for all those people that read my blog wrong, or judge me for the way I live my life, or think they have any place to tell me how to live my life..I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK OF ME!

I care what my husband and kids think of me. I hope to be someone my parents are proud of and hope to serve my Heavenly Father in a way pleasing to him. Honestly nothing else matters to me! I have had some criticism as of late on how I do things and know first hand I am in charge of me. In deployments and out..I am driven by my families goals and my personal ambitions.

I love my life and although I want my husband home ASAP.. I still have to live my life and better me and my children while we are in the wait.

On that note: July has started flying by so fast, but I ran a 5k on the treadmill and did it in 36 minutes. I am so excited. I could pass and Army PT test right now and get 70% in each category except push ups but would still be able to pass. That has been one of goals for before Toby came home and YAY! I did it. I still have 10 pds to go and then 10 before he comes home for good, but my workouts are going awesome.

I am proud of myself that I can keep it all together. I have not had a breakdown yet for Toby being gone and soon he will be coming home. I cannot say when he will be home because of his safety, but just know when the blogs stop..he is home and they will be plentiful a month later.

I love all of you who are such good supports to me. I realize that a lot of people don't have what I have and am thankful for that. Not that they don't have what I have but that I do have it (you know what I mean :)

Sorry this is so long, I just needed to set a couple things straight and give an update. Stay tuned for some great new posts!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Fun Tag

i am: Liz
i think: i am funny
i know: i am a daughter of God
i want:to magically lose these last 15 pds
i have: an awesome life
i wish: i was as funny as i think i am
i hate: drama
i miss: my husband
i fear: i will gain my weight back
i feel: fulfilled
i hear: quiet(yay kids are in bed)
i smell: nothing because of my stuffy nose from crying
i crave: good friends
i wonder: if i will ever finish school
i regret: the friendships i have burdened
i love: scheduling and making lists
i care: what i look like in jeans
i always: get there.. i may be late, but i am always there
i am not: crazy (my own opinion of course)
i believe: I AM AWESOME
i dance: all the time and embarass myself
i sing: everywhere
i don’t always: do it right the first time
i write: my husband everyday
i win: happiness..when i choose to play the game right
i lose: my car keys, wallet, baby bag, sippy cups, you name it, i lose it
i never: thought i would be able to make it through 6 months without my husband and be ok
i listen: to anyone and everyones story.. everyone has something to say
i can usually be found: with my kids
i am scared: of the mean black lady at the gym that always tells me i am doing it wrong
i need: better hormone pills to not puke all dang day
i am happy about: my awesome life

Tag you are it!

Lagoon Part I

I have been having a great time on vacation and loving being at my moms just chilling with the kids. On Monday the kids asked if we were going to go do something BIG while here. I have been thinking Lagoon for years, but we keep missing it. I told them it would be a surprise on Tuesday if I decided. (That is key for me being able to not go if I choose not to). Sometimes I penny pinch so we really don't do anything that is fun that costs money. The post usually provided us with our free stuff, but nothing like Lagoon.
Tuesday we woke up and I had decided to go. We had a million things to get done before I went so we got cracking. I had a package and a card and some other things that I needed to get together for Toby before I could go have fun. The park opened at 11 and we made it there finally around 12. I purchased the tickets, and we started to go in. Just the three oldest were with me. I thought taking CJ might not make the day as fun for the other kids. We gave our tickets to the girl and a rush of memories flooded me!

I remember mom dropping us off and us being there all day riding rides, I remember all my stupid different jobs I held there. For fun purposes: 1. Cotton candy maker (I am pretty sure this is where my sugar addiction started) 2. Regular food concessions 3. Taking pictures at the from when people walk in. Fun times!!

I remember going into the COOL employee lounge to eat and take breaks. (still with the food?) I remember my paychecks that after working a full week were like 100. So funny.

Anyway..I started to tear up a bit because Toby and I have never actually been to Lagoon together. We both grew up here, we both worked there at the same time, but did not know each other. After we were dating there were to many other things to do. I missed him getting to do all the fun stuff with us. Ok, enough of that. I think what I was really worried about is that the kids would have a fun time. Toby is the fun parent hands down. I am the one that hangs out and pretends to take care of stuff. The kids were so excited so I had to put it past me and like many times..put my fun parent fake it till you make it face on and go.

We decided to go to Lagoon a Beach first. It was so fun. I was proud of myself, because normally I would just have everything lay around with us, but I got a locker. I am starting to be precautious I guess. We had fun and got some good sun. Next we went and changed and started to ride rides. Carmen was with us so we started with the kiddie stuff. They have actually done a really good job with the revamp on that section. (mind you I have not been in over 12 years) but the rides were really fun for all of us. It started getting late and we took Carmen home to have some big kid fun. The kids had a blast! I gave Cy a couple bucks to go play some games and he came back with this huge stuffed animal. It was AWESOME.

It was a success and I was told it was the best day ever! I am putting this in two parts because there is something essential I learned at Lagoon that deserved it's own post.

Lagoon Part II

So I mentioned that Lagoon was a hit and we had a blast. I learned a valuable lesson also at Lagoon. The older kids and I went back and they were stoked for the big kid rides. We got back in and started walking towards them. I saw the fear setting in. My kids have done crazy things like the stupid high tower of terror at disneyland, but they were getting iffy about riding anything scary. It was a little because Dad wasn't there, but they were scared.

We rode the wild mouse first. It is one that makes you feel like you are going over the edge to drop to your death and then you do it like 6 more times. I love it, but the kids faces showed me that they were not big fans. We got off the ride and they showed me how they were still shaking. Sooo wicked, colossus, and cliffhanger were out. Walking north the white roller coaster was passed up. They didn't really want to do anything, but were making excuses why. We got to the BAT ride and decided to give it a try. We got to the front of the line and poor Cy was terrified. I told him that he wouldn't get hurt. I told him I would not make him do it and would not be dissapointed if he got off. He did and fast! He told me at that time "Mom tell me what it is like and how it feels"

At this time while I watched him walk away and before I got on it to ride I had a great learning experience. It is these time that I thank my Heavenly Father for opening my eyes and allowing me to learn and grow. There are so many times..I have been so scared to do something. So scared to share the gospel with a friend. So scared to be a single mom. So scared/straight terrified to say goodbye to my husband that I wouldn't touch for 8 months. In those time I am the little child that is looking up and not wanting to do it. There are so many times that I have been allowed to make excuses for not following through. Heavenly Father wants to see us do it and wants us to be happy, but he won't force us. As I am crying waiting for the ride to start I started to be greatful for all those times that I had just done it..it hasn't always been fun like the ride, but I could say "I did it." I got off the ride and desperatly wanted him to try it. He refused. We went and did a couple more things and some smaller stuff. He started warming up to the rides again and finally for the last ride of the night I mentioned the BAT. He was very reluctant but I held the stuff animals and they went to ride. He did it, and then one last time. Guess what his favorite ride is? The BAT!

Moral to long Lagoon story..we have to do things that we are scared of sometimes. We have to be willing to trust someone else to be able to learn and have new experiences. Life is like a roller coaster, up and down, but if you get on and enjoy the ride, it can be your favorite! I am so greatful for my kids and the opportunity I have to raise them. They are 4 of the strongest kids out there. They are truly awesome!

I know that I have more "rides in life" I am going to be scared to go on, but hope I remember this day and remember if I just hop on, it will end and be my favorite!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I am out out of time out

I have released myself from time out. I have caved and took comfort in my addictions! I have my cell phone back. Although my text messaging is not really working again, I called T-mobile and begged them to let me have my phone off military hold. I really am more effective of a person with it. I think of some of the times in the last month I have spent more time than the money saved is worth running around because of that stupid thing.

I am working on it and hopefully after being in time out for a month (that is as long as I could last) I hope that I can not be so engrossed in it and not let it run my life like before, but I am really the helper bee and have let some people down (for which I am truly sorry)

Things I learned while not having a cell phone.
1. It is sometimes scary to drive 1000 miles on two lane roads at night
2. It is a hassle to keep in touch. (lets give a shout out for the inventor of the text message)
3. I found out I use my calculator alot actually
4. My phone is my watch. For someone who is very scheduled and runs late anyway..you take away my means of telling time and I am not very effective. Short example: The way I knew what time it was was by looking at a reciept from a store I was at. If not at a store than had no sense of time..very sad I know
5. My phone is my alarm. I never realized that my alarm is really what gets me up at 5 every morning. I just always kindof thought it just worked out that way.
6. My phone is my music. Ok, I do have a really cool phone, but take away my apps and I am hating it.
7. I like talking to my husband wherever. I use a calling card, but sometimes I just want to call and say hi and hate to go home to do it
Last but not least.. I confirmed what I knew to be true..I am an addict. Going off something cold turkey is not smart lol I am still going to use it sparingly and watch my budget with it, but come on..who was I kidding.

To all those laughing at me right now, knowing that I wouldn't last long. I say to you "you were right, but now you can call me and tell me yourself" YAY

Grow little flower

I sometimes sneak around and listen in on my kids. I yell at them for easedropping on me, but as a parent it is my earned right, correct?

Carmen is hilarious and in the last couple days has really been more so, I think because she has found a new crowd to entertain. I came around the corner and she was sitting at the kitchen table leaning over.

Background: Grandma helped Carmen pick some flowers from the garden the other day and Carmen had them prepared and they have been a centerpiece all week. She has grown quite fond of them.

On this particular day, she was talking to them very softly and sweetly. She was leaned over and touching one of the stems ( almost slightly bouncing it in and out of the vase). When I listened to her conversation I dropped down and was lauging hysterically. She was saying "drink little flowers so you are not thirsty. Drink so you have a full belly" I want you to grow up so pretty!

I love three year olds! They are so cute and simple.

Success and Failure

I have to confess that June was full of Success and Failure for me. I have been on a high with success that it was only a matter of time I be humbled. I once again had put too much on my plate. I completed most of it, but it led to some failures. I have learned from them and know that you only trully fail if you refuse to try again.

I am super excited about getting back in the gym. I have been out of commission being on vacation and not having a jogging stroller was difficult for me to go out. I have found a gym to go to for the next 2 weeks and then back home. Mary Kay was a big thumbs down for me this last month but am looking forward to all the people that are begging me for a free facial.

As far as my kids..they are soo awesome. We have our moments, but they do have great manners and are really smart. Every single one of them. Just having an awesome summer trying to not think of our countdown.

For July however.. I have to do some major stuff to reach my before toby comes home goals..I have to get my run time down. Toby has much longer legs than I, and promises "he'll jog so I can keep up"..but this is the first time in our lives our family will go out and go on a run all together. I am so excited.. I have this last 10 pds to lose, which my diet needs to be re-evaluated with my moms good cooking.
I am going back to el paso to move myself into our new apartment. I am going to try not to freak out about it being perfect, but will try. The kids and I decided to train for a 5k in August so that will be fun.

All in all, I did set June up to be a huge disaster, but I came through it ok. I am starting hormone replacement therapy and will put it out there.......if I start being a not so nice person..someone needs to step up and tell me (ok?)

Many times in my life have I gone through bad hormone days and everyone lets it slide..not this time. I am giving you all permission to call me out!

Ok, well here I am rejuvenated, feeling better and at 12:30 have my alarm set to get up at 5 to go to the gym for a couple hours.

Monday, July 7, 2008


This fourth of july post is late, I know. I have been waiting until I am not an emotional wreck to blog it. This fourth of July is so much more meaningful to me this year than any other. We have been in the military 2 years now and this year seeing that flag brings tears to my eyes.

It is more than just the everyday random Army Wife pity party. It is more than the spending a great summers day watching fireworks without my husband. It is more than the parades and bbq's.

I walked around my moms neighborhood the night of the 4th. Regretfully so in my workout clothes! I walked and really took it in. It was finishing up a great week for me and my kids. It was a really nice day weather wise and seeing old friends was great. As I walked I couldn't help but think of how awesome a country we live in that allows us to get together with friends and family for dinner. How we get to choose what we eat. How we get to pray before we eat if and when we want.

I am so thankful for the opportunity that I have to be able to walk freely, without fear, especially in little kaysville utah, and be able to enjoy life. This country has been around a long time and seen good and bad times. I think of all the Army wives before me that said goodbye to their husbands to keep this country free for me to come and enjoy my life.

We finished off the last set of fireworks tonight and I thought of what they signify. They remind me of the bombs that some had to watch go off. They remind me of the gunfights that our brave soldiers have gone through for generations and in our current day.. I try to not have too many conversations on war, but it is real! I am thankful for the people who selflessly go and fight so I can sit here and not think about it.

I am so greatful for this country and the freedoms we have. How blessed we all are to live here and even in bad times enjoy more freedoms than alot of others, or for that matter enjoy the freedoms that could still be taken from us if we don't stand up for what we believe in.


I am super proud of my soldier husband and yes honey..I know you can win any fight by reminding me you are fighting for my freedom!! lol

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

TV makes you lazy

Holy Cow..I forgot how TV can make you lazy. I literally have not watch a whole tv show in the last 6 month. Over this vacation however I have had the opportunity to sit and do nothing. I have been catching up on some 6 months of missed shows and realized TV can really make you lazy if you let it.

My kids are in heaven, because they never get to watch tv at home. I am finally feeling better and it should last for a couple days so I am headed to the gym at my favorite time (5 am). I love to start my day like that..and they have my favorite stair stepper :)

No more TV for me..such a waste of time, but that is just my opinion.

Army Wives-TV show

I just had to blog really fast about the TV series ARMY WIVES. I don't know if it is because the acting is really bad, or if the show is not really how I see the way the life is. It bugs me.

Background: I watched one show last year and didn't like it, and then cancelled cable so lost track of the show. A couple weeks back my friend called to ask what I thought of the show. I gave it a chance again on vacation when I went on a TV binge. I watched the catch up show and then the new show for the week. Lots of drama that is for sure, but the actors just don't have the right emotion that I think I feel as an actual Army Wife.

I watched last night to give it one more chance and I have to say that only one actor is good. I have to say I am really mad that the stupid pregnant lady is already huge and she is only 12 weeks. I did like however when they showed all the women doing stupid pregnant pt instead of running with the guys, but that goes with some of my other personal views:) at least they got it right.

Sorry for the rant, but i just hope that nobody that watched that show thinks this is really how the life is (or maybe it really is and I live in my own reality! lol)